Tuesday, 18 March 2008

An Open Letter to Girls Aloud

Hello Girls.

When are you going to release 'Girl Overboard'?

We think you should soon because it is 1. Amazing, 2. Really Amazingly Good, and (c) will send poppers sale through the roof once the Tony Lamezma remix 'hits the clubs'.

If you could just get back to us and let us know, that'd be great.



A Day In The Life Of Bop Pop

We heard that there Jordin Sparks on t'radio today and thought it was actually her off of Lean Rimes fame doing the singing. When we realised, we didn't feel any increase or decrease in disappointment, and carried on with the rest of our day.

The End.

Time does go by a bit slowly when you're listening to certain songs

If Madonna's only got four minutes to save the world or whatever it is she's pertaining to do with the power of one slightly-less-good-than-'Maneater' tune, then why is the song four minutes and five seconds long?

Are we to assume the last five seconds of the song is the sound of the world not be saved?

Oh dear...

Hello again, The Internets...

You may or may not be familiar with the briefly popular, recently deceased, pop music-related pop music website Bop Pop. Or you may not.

If you're in the former camp, then you may or may not be pleased to discover that Bop Pop has been resurrected! Like the phoenix from the flames, like Nelly Furtado from the burning ashes of Folklore, BopPop.co.uk is back (possibly with a bang, not definitely though, keep checking back) and is now boppopblog. That is Bop Pop Blog written all as one word. It was going to be just Bop Pop (or boppop) but we've forgotten the password for that so you're just going to have to make do with this one.

Anyway, we shall be posting soon, probably not as regularly as we used to*, but we will try.


*I.e. about 5 posts a day in the beginning, or about 5 posts a month by the end :(